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We just dropped a new video. Check out Adventures in Healing and see how we are using cycling, running and hiking to better connect with the boys in the Casa Girasoles program.
In Greek mythology Sisyphus was the king of the ancient city of Ephyra. In punishment for cheating death, he was forced to roll a boulder up a hill only to have it continuously roll back every time he neared the summit. Sisyphus’ ultimate punishment was being cursed to repeat the action for all eternity.
Sometimes our work feels a bit like rolling a rock up a hill, only to have it tumble back down before we can reach the top. This week we learned one of the young men in our Tigres Program died. He died from complications associated with poorly managed tuberculosis. Read more
One of the boys in the Casa Girasoles really needed a dentist. He was scared.
The pandemic has made it very challenging to get in to see a dentist in Perú. However, things opened up last week and we were able to get him seen, not once, but THREE times! His teeth, well – they were bad.
Not anymore. We’ve got him all fixed up and we have a prevention plan in place.
Read more
The younger boys at the Casa Girasoles built a slide to usher in the new year. Kids will be kids!
Wait. What? We just started 2021, and it’s already been a humdinger of a year.
Not two weeks into 2021, and we’ve already seen unimaginable increases in COVID cases and deaths, continue downward economic spiraling in many global economies, and a near coup in the United States. I guess 2021 isn’t going to be the year for getting back to normal like we were all hoping.
I think that’s a good thing.
A very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the entire Health Bridges family.
Thank you so much for all the support in 2020. It has been a year like no other. Thanks to all of you, it has been a year when we have had the support to show many people they are cared for and honored in these challenging times.
Who knows what 2021 will bring. One thing is certain, we will be ready. Thanks in great part to all of you.
So this Holiday Season – may this be a time of friends, family, fun, and joy. Most of all – may this Holiday be a time when the world receives the peace and hope it so abundantly deserves.
I’ve been wrestling with writing this blog post. Wrestling because the last thing I ever want to do is misrepresent a child or harm their dignity. I am very sensitive to objectifying the lives of the children we are called to serve. This, however, is a story that must be told.
In many parts of the developing and middle income world, the impact from the pandemic has been completely devastating. It has prematurely ended lives, disrupted economies and forever altered societies. This is particularly true for families who – even before the great challenges of COVID – were barely finding the services and supports they needed.
Families living in the experience of poverty with a substance use disorder or mental health condition. Families living day-to-day with limited access to opportunity. Families without support. Many of these families now find themselves thrust into home schooling, scrapping together a meager income through day labor work, and struggling to feed and care for their children.
Through this breakdown – we are witnessing an increase in the number of abandoned children. We’re receiving increased requests to place children in our two Casa Girasoles homes. We’re seeing an increase in children experiencing abuse and violence. We are witnessing an unraveling of the social safety nets.
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