What can we do to make sure all newborns have a fighting chance at life?
The Newborn Resuscitation Training Program is an official certification program that provides contextualized training to save the life of a newborn after delivery. Peruvian midwives and medical professionals are trained to immediately identify babies that need help breathing, provide evidence-based corrective measures, and participate in a resuscitation team effectively. It is also a program with a multiplier effect–ensuring that those who have been trained can train other health professionals to help decrease neonatal fatalities. The goal is for every live birth to be attended by a trained neonatal resuscitation professional, safeguarding the lives of thousands of babies across Perú.
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Meet Catherine.
As a midwife in Cerro de Pasco, Perú, Catherine’s proudest moments are the minutes after successfully resuscitating newborns. Infant fatalities are a grim reality in the delivery room, but she has saved many newborns and is determined to save more.
“Neonatal resuscitation is a precise and time-pressured practice. Without the highest standards of training, the consequences are irreversible. That’s why I enrolled in HBI’s Newborn Resuscitation Training Program. It helped me systematically approach the proper steps to infant CPR, and equipped me to save more babies,” she shares.
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With thousands of live births in Perú unattended by skilled professionals, the role of experts like Catherine, not just in the delivery room but also in training others in neonatal resuscitation, is crucial. The NRTP trains them to train others, creating a life-saving ripple effect in Perú’s hospitals and birth centers. Francisco León Reyes, midwife in Chachapollas agrees that “training the trainers” is strategic. He’s seen nursing technicians on the field provide critical support to medical professionals after he trained them, which helps effectively lower infant mortality.
What’s Ahead
NRTP is on track to ensuring that one or more persons skilled in newborn resuscitation are present at every birth in Perú by 2030.

Have questions about the Neonatal Resuscitation Training Program?
Please get in touch with Srta. Lidia: lidia@hbint.org